The Canadian Fjord Horse Association (CFHA) was formed in 1977 when the proud owners and admirers of this majestic breed came together to exchange information. The Association was incorporated in 1980, and under Canada's Animal Pedigree Act, joined with the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) to develop a Fjord Horse Registry.
Both the CFHA and the CLRC operate under the Animal Pedigree Act, which is the federal legislation that regulates the keeping of all animal pedigree records in Canada. The Canadian Fjord Horse Association is responsible for setting the rules of eligibility for their breed and for determining the fees that are to be collected for the various services. The Canadian Livestock Records Corporation then maintains the registry according to those rules of eligibility and collects the prescribed fees, which are deposited in the CFHA's account.
Join the CFHA
The mission of the Canadian Fjord Horse Association shall be to preserve the genetic purity of the breed through the registration of animals and the keeping of pedigrees. The Canadian Fjord Horse Association wants to ensure a strong future for the breed by supporting the purebred Norwegian Fjord Horse, through promotion, education, improved awareness and understanding. The CFHA is committed to supporting its members and encouraging them to showcase the versatile Norwegian Fjord Horse.
We are awarding stars to those of you who use your Fjords for riding, driving or any other activity. Learn more
For those of you in a situation where you need to rehome your Fjord, The Canadian Fjord Horse Rescue may be able to help. Please read this story.